Friday, January 7, 2011

Sure Thing

Introduced the play/drama genre to students this week as FUN and had to crack my head to find a suitable play that appeals to them, all 104 Generation Y.  "Sure Thing" by Ives looked promising. Short, contains words and context that students can relate to, and funny. It contains the much dreaded four-letter word though. One word, one time, by one character.  The taboo weighed against getting students interested and excited about the whole semester, I made my decision.

The response was queer and amusing.  Despite being young, careless, and out-spoken, they censored the word during reading aloud and dramatization activities, at least my class of 26 did.  So, our Generation Y still have some modesty after all, at times when I have lost some confidence in decency and respect.


  1. i really like the dramatization part.. it gave me better understanding about the drama.. like it!

  2. indeed.. it was a fun yet, useful and meaningful.. not just a plain fun, but a full-of-knowledge fun.. at first, reading the play by myself didn't actually make me to understand on what on Earth was going on.. but, later then, after we had the readers theatre, I can understand more, as there are voices by people.. whereby, whilst I was reading it to myself, the only voice that I "heard" was my mind's voices.. then, we had the "small drama" in the class.. right after that, I understand better (though there are a few things that I didn't, still) about the play..
